If you're living in a sexless marriage, it's time you do something about the state of your marriage before it's too late. Larry Bilotta explains how women have the power to make their husband into the man of their dreams in just one week if the marriage is not yet at "The Point Of No Return". Find out how...
The Indisputable Power of a Woman-written by a man
Why is it that men don’t change after marriage, but women do? In the process of answering this question we will draw one conclusion that will be the elephant in the room: The power of a woman to create the man of her dreams is indisputable.
To answer this profound question, let’s look at the "inner workings" of a woman. When women are single and searching for a man, this "mystery man" is often referred to as “Mr. right”. You could even say that the foremost question on a single woman's mind (when she's looking for a man) is "When is Mr. Right going to come along?"
Women enter relationships with an idealistic vision of what her "soul mate" will look, act and treat her like. And why shouldn't she? From an early age, as a little girl, she reads story tales about a "Night in Shining Armor" rescuing the princess from an Evil villain. Little girls adore the idea of being a princess and even at a young age, many even fantasize about their wedding day!
When women are dating, they use all of their assets to attract a man. They put careful detail into wearing the right sexy outfit, the right perfume, and try their best to keep the atmosphere light, fun and full of excitement. Women do all of this because their plan - their mission, is to find the man who will give them emotional and financial security. (This is a deep-seeded need of all women, not necessarily something they consciously think about.)
During the dating stage of a relationship however, these two needs are secondary.
A woman’s "public" goal during her dating life is to find a guy who is “nice” and “fun”. That’s her public goal. It’s what she says SAYS wants, but that’s not close to her true mission. A smart woman brings excitement into the relationship when dating because she knows that’s what will maintain the chemistry between them.
Then the day comes when the wedding photos arrive and life begins. Life becomes overwhelming. All the fun and excitement in the pre-marriage relationship has now come to a slow, and grinding stop.
With all the chemistry slowly seeping out of the relationship, a woman's goal is now to “develop” her man into someone who will give her emotional and financial security. It’s her unspoken expectation. (That even women don't realize they want.)
In married life, every effort her husband makes dismally fails to meet this expectation and instead creates frustration, resentment and mixed feelings. All she ever wanted, she reasons, is for her husband to make her feel safe so she can build her ideal life and family.
But to her surprise, the man she marries STILL craves the fun and excitement from back when they were dating. Unfortunately for both of them, his inability to explain this need and her inability to remember what she used to do during the dating days, combines to create a new tension in the relationship that did not exist before.
In a man's mind, he fears that if he speaks up and tells his wife that he misses the fun-filled exciting woman she used to be, she'll become offended and "chew his head off". After all, she's exhausted after she fulfills her long list of daily tasks, let alone cater to her husband's every need.
Her husband now feels like he’s still on her priority list, but somewhere way down towards the bottom. This feeling, this belief, does BAD THINGS for a man's confidence.
Women who know how to maintain the excitement in their marriage are few and far between....especially after being married for 5+ years. This is obviously not about “giving your husband sex”. Sex is not what he actually wants (whether he knows it or not). What every (or the great majority of men) want is for his beautiful woman to thrill him with the idea that he excites her.
A woman's power to communicate “you excite me” is all a man needs to become totally dedicated to his woman.
Any woman who dresses and acts in a way that lets her man know he could excite her sexually, touches a man in a place where he believes he can conquer the world for her. Any wish, need or slight desire she might express, will send him on a mission to fulfill her greatest wishes.
But in order to do this, you must put all the resentment aside if you want your husband to be 100% devoted to you. If you're willing to take this first step, you'll find these kind of results becoming reality...
...You want your husband to stop talking or looking at the woman who lives next door? Done!
...You want him to go to his boss and get a raise? Not a problem!
...You want more time to yourself away from the house and other responsibilities? You've got it!
If you are a woman reading this right now, you might wonder HOW you can discover your husband's deepest desires.
Learn how by reading the conclusion of this article at Larry Bilotta's Blog, Save Your Marriage Today.
Or copy and paste http://saveyourmarriagetoday.blogspot.com/2007/10/undisputable-power-of-woman-witten-by.html in your browser.
AN IMPORTANT NOTE FROM THE AUTHOR: If you're reading this thinking to yourself, "Larry has no idea what he's talking about...a woman should not have to do anything to earn her husband's devotion" or "Easier said than done Larry
, my wife is going to have to do more than this to earn MY devotion..." then you NEED to read the conclusion to this article on my blog. I have already been met with resistance to this idea and I've addressed it at the bottom of my blog entry above.
The Indisputable Power of a Woman-written by a man
Why is it that men don’t change after marriage, but women do? In the process of answering this question we will draw one conclusion that will be the elephant in the room: The power of a woman to create the man of her dreams is indisputable.
To answer this profound question, let’s look at the "inner workings" of a woman. When women are single and searching for a man, this "mystery man" is often referred to as “Mr. right”. You could even say that the foremost question on a single woman's mind (when she's looking for a man) is "When is Mr. Right going to come along?"
Women enter relationships with an idealistic vision of what her "soul mate" will look, act and treat her like. And why shouldn't she? From an early age, as a little girl, she reads story tales about a "Night in Shining Armor" rescuing the princess from an Evil villain. Little girls adore the idea of being a princess and even at a young age, many even fantasize about their wedding day!
When women are dating, they use all of their assets to attract a man. They put careful detail into wearing the right sexy outfit, the right perfume, and try their best to keep the atmosphere light, fun and full of excitement. Women do all of this because their plan - their mission, is to find the man who will give them emotional and financial security. (This is a deep-seeded need of all women, not necessarily something they consciously think about.)
During the dating stage of a relationship however, these two needs are secondary.
A woman’s "public" goal during her dating life is to find a guy who is “nice” and “fun”. That’s her public goal. It’s what she says SAYS wants, but that’s not close to her true mission. A smart woman brings excitement into the relationship when dating because she knows that’s what will maintain the chemistry between them.
Then the day comes when the wedding photos arrive and life begins. Life becomes overwhelming. All the fun and excitement in the pre-marriage relationship has now come to a slow, and grinding stop.
With all the chemistry slowly seeping out of the relationship, a woman's goal is now to “develop” her man into someone who will give her emotional and financial security. It’s her unspoken expectation. (That even women don't realize they want.)
In married life, every effort her husband makes dismally fails to meet this expectation and instead creates frustration, resentment and mixed feelings. All she ever wanted, she reasons, is for her husband to make her feel safe so she can build her ideal life and family.
But to her surprise, the man she marries STILL craves the fun and excitement from back when they were dating. Unfortunately for both of them, his inability to explain this need and her inability to remember what she used to do during the dating days, combines to create a new tension in the relationship that did not exist before.
In a man's mind, he fears that if he speaks up and tells his wife that he misses the fun-filled exciting woman she used to be, she'll become offended and "chew his head off". After all, she's exhausted after she fulfills her long list of daily tasks, let alone cater to her husband's every need.
Her husband now feels like he’s still on her priority list, but somewhere way down towards the bottom. This feeling, this belief, does BAD THINGS for a man's confidence.
Women who know how to maintain the excitement in their marriage are few and far between....especially after being married for 5+ years. This is obviously not about “giving your husband sex”. Sex is not what he actually wants (whether he knows it or not). What every (or the great majority of men) want is for his beautiful woman to thrill him with the idea that he excites her.
A woman's power to communicate “you excite me” is all a man needs to become totally dedicated to his woman.
Any woman who dresses and acts in a way that lets her man know he could excite her sexually, touches a man in a place where he believes he can conquer the world for her. Any wish, need or slight desire she might express, will send him on a mission to fulfill her greatest wishes.
But in order to do this, you must put all the resentment aside if you want your husband to be 100% devoted to you. If you're willing to take this first step, you'll find these kind of results becoming reality...
...You want your husband to stop talking or looking at the woman who lives next door? Done!
...You want him to go to his boss and get a raise? Not a problem!
...You want more time to yourself away from the house and other responsibilities? You've got it!
If you are a woman reading this right now, you might wonder HOW you can discover your husband's deepest desires.
Learn how by reading the conclusion of this article at Larry Bilotta's Blog, Save Your Marriage Today.
Or copy and paste http://saveyourmarriagetoday.blogspot.com/2007/10/undisputable-power-of-woman-witten-by.html in your browser.
AN IMPORTANT NOTE FROM THE AUTHOR: If you're reading this thinking to yourself, "Larry has no idea what he's talking about...a woman should not have to do anything to earn her husband's devotion" or "Easier said than done Larry
Source: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.com
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