Unhappy in marriage? It could be that you're unhappy in marriage because you’re clinically depressed. And as anyone who has dealt with serious depression knows, it can wreak havoc on you as an individual, as well as significantly impact your spouse and your marriage. That’s why it’s absolutely crucial, when you’re unhappy in your marriage, that you take responsibility for your own individual emotional health. Many times, couples who are unhappy in marriage think something’s wrong with their relationship, when often it’s an individual problem that has repercussions in the marriage. The fact is that if one partner is emotionally unhealthy or unhappy, it’s going to be hard for the marriage as a whole to be healthy and happy.
So if you’re unhappy in marriage and a primary reason is that you’re dealing with depression, we urge you to see a professional who can help you. There’s a good chance that with therapy and possibly medication, you can begin to deal effectively with your unhappiness.
It’s also important that you get clear on the facts about depression, and how it can make you unhappy in marriage. The more knowledge you can attain regarding what you’re going through, the quicker you can move toward recovery. A good place to start when you’re feeling unhappy in marriage is the major categories of depression:
Endogenous Depression and unhappiness in marriage Being unhappy in marriage may result from endogenous depression, which comes from a biochemical disturbance in the hormonal system, the nervous system, or even from an infection in the body. It seems to arise spontaneously, is usually found in the elderly or in psychotic disorders, and requires medical intervention.
Reactive Depression and unhappiness in marriage Being unhappy in marriage may also result from reactive (or exogenous) depression, which occurs as a result of a real, imagined, or threatened loss and usually lasts no longer than a few months. This is the typical depression found in adolescents, and for them, counseling is the usual treatment.
Neurotic Depression and unhappiness in marriage Being unhappy in marriage may also result from neurotic depression, which is a lifestyle response to stress and anxiety. It is used to escape from other emotions and develops over a long period of time.
Masked Depression and unhappiness in marriage Finally, being unhappy in marriage may result from masked depression. Here the depression is hidden by other symptoms. For example
, a teenager who has lost a parent may cover his or her depression by acting out sexually or abusing drugs.
Being acquainted with these different types of depression lets you begin to shine the light of awareness on any unhappiness in marriage that you and your spouse are dealing with.
So if you’re unhappy in marriage and a primary reason is that you’re dealing with depression, we urge you to see a professional who can help you. There’s a good chance that with therapy and possibly medication, you can begin to deal effectively with your unhappiness.
It’s also important that you get clear on the facts about depression, and how it can make you unhappy in marriage. The more knowledge you can attain regarding what you’re going through, the quicker you can move toward recovery. A good place to start when you’re feeling unhappy in marriage is the major categories of depression:
Endogenous Depression and unhappiness in marriage Being unhappy in marriage may result from endogenous depression, which comes from a biochemical disturbance in the hormonal system, the nervous system, or even from an infection in the body. It seems to arise spontaneously, is usually found in the elderly or in psychotic disorders, and requires medical intervention.
Reactive Depression and unhappiness in marriage Being unhappy in marriage may also result from reactive (or exogenous) depression, which occurs as a result of a real, imagined, or threatened loss and usually lasts no longer than a few months. This is the typical depression found in adolescents, and for them, counseling is the usual treatment.
Neurotic Depression and unhappiness in marriage Being unhappy in marriage may also result from neurotic depression, which is a lifestyle response to stress and anxiety. It is used to escape from other emotions and develops over a long period of time.
Masked Depression and unhappiness in marriage Finally, being unhappy in marriage may result from masked depression. Here the depression is hidden by other symptoms. For example
Being acquainted with these different types of depression lets you begin to shine the light of awareness on any unhappiness in marriage that you and your spouse are dealing with.
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