1. Don’t dichotomize your spiritual and sexual life. Sex in
is a wonderful gift to be nurtured and enjoyed. Growing sexually with
your husband is a godly pursuit. Therefore get in the habit of praying
about sex and praising God for this gift as much as you would (or more)
for other areas of life and other godly pursuits; e.g. spiritual
disciplines, evangelism, missions, serving others, etc. Remember,
marriage comes before ministry.
2. Fill your mind with God’s perspective on sex. We grow up in a
culture that abuses sex and we tend to be on our guard sexually. Then we
get married and that same “on guard”
attitude can linger. Therefore get a hold of several good Christian
on marital sex and read them regularly. You don’t read the Bible just
once. Sex is very important to a marriage and you should fill your mind
on a regular basis with knowledge and insights that will enhance your
sex life. Read the Song of Solomon and I Corinthians 7:1-9 from time to
time. Don’t limit your reading to Christian
books. If a book promotes monogamy it probably has many insights that are worthwhile. (e.g. John Gray’s series on “Mars and Venus”).
3. Keep reminding yourself your husband views sex differently than
you. Sex is paramount in your husband’s mind. That’s the way God made
him and you shouldn’t judge him for it. He’s sight-oriented and focuses
more on physical attraction and the sexual act. You are
relationship-oriented and focus more on the whole relationship. The more
you can demonstrate your sensitivity to your husband’s viewpoint, the
more he will be willing and excited about developing your relationship,
more non-sexual affection, and better communication.
4. Keep yourself beautiful to your husband. Its amazing how some
women are meticulous about how they look when they are single and then
don’t seem to care after they are married. Usually this is a gradual
process. Remember your husband is sight-oriented. He has to work very
hard to maintain self-control in a sea of sexual messages and sexy
bodies in provocative clothing. Seeing his attractive wife looking her
best on a regular basis is a tremendous encouragement to him. You don’t
have to be dressed to the hilt all the time or go over the line
provocatively. Find a balance. Learn what your husband likes about
styles and make-up for public dress, as well as lingerie and sexy wear
for private dress.
5. Evaluate to what level you are inhibited sexually. If you aren’t,
then praise God. If you are to any degree, know God wants you to grow
less inhibited. But don’t be hard on yourself. If you’re inhibited it’s
probably because of a less than affirmative
about sex in your upbringing and/or part of your personality. If you
were sexually active before marriage it could be some guilt-issues over
that. Explore the roots of your inhibition and ask God to slowly heal
you to be free to enjoy sex with increasingly more creativity and
6. Train your husband to turn you on. Your husband should be reading
about how to make sex as exciting as possible for you. A lot of this
will be relationship and communication issues. Regularly communicate to
him which of these are important to you and affirm him when he makes
progress. Yet bedroom technique is still very important. He must become a
student of what turns you on, so, over time, tell him in detail what
excites you, where and how to kiss and touch you, how much pressure,
etc, etc. Don’t expect him to know everything! Every woman is different.
Use the positive-feedback approach when correcting his touch. “Hmmm,
that’s nice, but like this is even better.”, rather than “Don’t do it
like that…” Your goal is regular sexual satisfaction and frequent
orgasms, not an orgasm every time. It’s normal and fine for a woman not
to feel the need to come to orgasm every time. Yet your goal of sexual
satisfaction and regular orgasms on your time terms will cement your
relationsh! ip in a wonderful way.
7. Train yourself to turn him on. You must become a student of your
husband’s sexual desires and turn-ons. He will probably be open to more
and variation than you. That’s OK. Learn what he likes and desires. If
you have a problem with something, discuss it and agree to not do
anything that either person is not comfortable with. (Anything a husband
and wife do together is good as long as it doesn’t harm physically,
emotionally or mentally). On the other hand, if you are uncomfortable
with something, explore the reasons why and ask God to change you if
necessary. You will go a long way if, on occasion, you take turns asking
this question: “Now, tell me exactly how I can please you tonight.” Or
“Is there anything you would like me to do I haven’t done in a while or
that would be a completely new thing?” This practice will open up each
of you to be free, open, and less inhibited.
8. Don’t let it get boring. Related to #7, if you don’t develop a
creative, free and uninhibited sex life, it’s guaranteed that it’s only a
matter of time that your husband will get bored sexually and
temptations will enter in. Work hard to not let this happen. Again, let
God in every area of your life and ask Him to help you since it’s
usually (but not always) the woman who is more content to put up with a
boring, predictable, same-old-thing sex life. The church has a lot of
teaching against adultery (and rightly so). Unfortunately it often has
too little teaching on the roots of adultery, one of which is a lack of
attention on the most important matters to the man and
woman—relationship/communication for the woman and good, clean, fun, and
creative sex for the man!
9. Come to terms with questionable sexual practices. Where in
scripture does it condemn oral sex? The answer is nowhere. Don’t take
this writers word for it. The Christian
Intimate Issues, by Linda Dillow and Lorraine Pintus, and The Gift of
Sex by Clifford and Joyce Penner, have good studies on this. The truth
is oral sex is an incredibly exciting and wonderful sexual practice that
most married couples enjoy including Christians. If you have an
aversion to it, fine. Neither be hard on yourself nor look down on
others who don’t. But don’t be passive about this either. Be proactive
learning about
it and pray for God to change whatever is necessary in your mind (If
your husband has an aversion to giving you oral sex, he should do the
same thing). If you can develop the practice of giving your husband
regular doses of skillful oral sex, he will be thrilled to the core. If
you can train him to give you slow and deliberate oral sex when you are
in the mood, you will be th! rilled to the core. In this writers’
opinion, only if both agree that they don’t want to pursue oral sex
should it be shelved altogether, for in Philippians scripture says,
“…don’t look only to your own interests, but also to the interests of
others.” Other questionable areas like certain positions, fulfilling
sexual fantasies, and anal stimulation should be approached this same
10. Buy a book or booklet on
sex and sexual technique on occasion. One way to show your husband you
are focusing on the one thing that looms largest in his mind regarding
marriage is to buy books on sex occasionally. Don’t let him be the one
to always buy such things. Don’t be afraid to buy a sexual technique
book that is not explicitly Christian as long as it encourages faithful,
monogamous sex. If you feel your husband is not understanding your
relationship/communication needs, buy one that deals with that and read
it in his presence and ask him to check it out. If you start reading a
book entitled, “How to drive your man crazy in bed” in his presence, as
assuredly as the sun will rise tomorrow and it’s true that God so the
loved the world that He sent Jesus, he will have your full attention at
that moment. And if you tell him if he’s a good boy you’ll try a few of
the suggestions, you could probably get him to eat out of your hand and
wait on you hand and foot! Th! is is also true of lingerie. Don’t be
afraid to ask him what kind of lingerie he’d like you to buy.
11. Make your marriage truly your number one priority, apart from
your relationship to God. Christian couples often get lazy about
developing their marriage relationship. Over time, other pursuits become
more important, even godly ones. The truth is that if you put a
disproportionate amount time into anything—including evangelism and
missions or other ministry activity—over the time you put into your
marriage, it is out of God’s will. Therefore you must be proactive in
working at your marriage and sex life. Don’t say to yourself, “the man
is the spiritual head, he should lead in this.” If he’s not leading, you
take the lead. If he is leading, don’t wait for him to bring up an
issue, do it yourself. Each person is responsible for loving their
spouse and building their marriage regardless how active the other
person is. For women this means preparing yourself mentally and
physically for regular sexual union. “I’m too busy and always tired”,
you say. That’s no excuse. Carve out t! ime to get ready for romance, to
spend time together, to do mutually enjoyable activities together, and
have sexual union. Drop activities and responsibilities, even spiritual
ones, if necessary. For sex, this means allowing for three types of sex.
(1) The long, luxurious sexual adventures (if you have children, nights
at a hotel or weekends away), (2) The normal 20 –30 minute encounter,
and (3) what some call “quickies.” Because men normally want more
frequent sex than women, you must find a happy medium and be willing to
minister to your husband through occaisional quick sex at times when
things are too busy to get prepared and take the time, but he’s hungry
nevertheless! Allowing for this will do wonders to encourage a man that
his wife truly loves him enough to give him a few moments of
passion even if she probably won’t be tuned in to having an orgasm herself.
12. Remember, you reap what you sow. If you sow a lazy
towards marriage and sex, you’ll reap a lousy marriage. If you sow a
boring, predictable, same-old-thing sex life, you’ll reap a frustrated,
inattentive husband. This works both ways. If your husband sows
inattentive, unaffectionate, unhelpful and unromantic practices, he’ll
reap a wife not interested in sex and his own frustrations. But what is
your responsibility if your husband isn’t proactive? Isn’t it to love
the husband unconditionally with the Lord’s help? In a perfect marriage,
a husband and wife take equal steps toward each other to meet each
others needs. What some wives don’t realize is how powerful good sex is
in getting a man in touch with his relationship side. The more he feels
loved sexually, the more he opens up to meet the affectionate, romantic,
and communication needs of his wife. So if you sow an uninhibited,
creative sex life, you’ll reap a more romantic husband. If you sow
regular doses of ! what turns him on—often it’s oral sex the way he
likes it—you’ll reap a more affectionate husband. If you sow sexual
variety that’s restricted only by true biblical mandates, you’ll reap a
more communicative mate. If you sow a commitment to put lots of time and
mental energy into your marriage, with Spirit of God inside you to
enable you, you’ll reap a wonderful marriage. If you are lucky enough
that both of you make this commitment, you’ll reap a marriage made in
Author's Bio:
Michael is a free-lance writer and graphic
designer who writes on a variety of subjects and provides writing and
designs services through his company, Promotional Designs (
http://members.home.net/promodesigns/Welcome.htm ). He has a vision to see Christian marriages flourish.